LOA Rates: $47.00 per foot for wet storage
$48.00 per foot plus bottom paint – under 23 feet
$50.00 per foot plus bottom paint – over 23 feet
$52.00 per foot plus bottom paint – over 30 feet
$25.00 per foot for bottom paint – Epoxy
$24.00 per foot for bottom paint – Ablative
$20.00 per foot if owner supplies paint
$18.00 per foot for Mast
$5.00 per foot extra to Haul Boat with Mast up
$125.00 Jack Stands
The yard reserves the right to:
Paint the bottom of the boat.
Scrub bottom at time of haul-out
Do all the work below water line.
Charge $10.00 per day for use of electricity.
Yard labor rate is $150.00 per hour.
**LOA includes bow pulpit, swim platforms, anchor holders etc.
**If any work needs to be done for the Spring, we must know by January 1st.
$600.00 Deposit is required with CONTRACT – for office use only________________________________________________________
$300.00 Deposit is required for SHRINKWRAP – for office use only_______________________________________________________
- No outside professional labor may be brought into this yard. (If outside contractors do any work, a 30% surcharge will be charged, contractors must have insurance and before anything can be done, the office must be notified).
- Blow torches or open flame equipment may only be used by the yard personnel.
- No electrical equipment, including lights or heat lamps, may be left connected to any boat.
- Pumping required after launching will be charged at regular yard rates.
- Customers should leave their keys or combinations at the yard office.
- Boats for sale should be listed with the boat yard.
- The yard received 15% commission on all boat sales made from this yard.
- The sale of a boat, in no way voids the terms and conditions of this Storage Contract.
- Boat motors and all personal property are stored at owner’s risk.
- Yard is not responsible for loss or damage due to fire, theft, storm, collision, vandalism or any other cause.
- Yard assumes no responsibility for damage or bodily injury.
- Outdrives and outboards left on boats, are owner’s responsibility.
- All boat owners must remove drain plug.
- All bills are due and payable on presentation with a 5% interest per month due for all bills not paid after 30 days. A reasonable attorney’s fee will be charged for collection of bill or balance due.
- If anyone paints bottom of boat, a $400.00 surcharge will be added.
- The winter season run from November 15ththru May 10th.
- All boat owners must have hull insurance.
- All prices are subject to change at any time.
- Any and all spills, fuel or oil, must be reported to the office.
- Yard assumes no responsibility for trailers that are stored on the property. Trailers that are stored on property must have trailer locks.